MIGDAL OZ cannot exist without the ability to offset some of the costs to the students and their families. Our goal is to keep student costs between $10,000 – $15,000 per student for the entire year. To do so however, we need the support of outside contributions – large or small – it all helps.
By supporting the students of MIGDAL OZ, you will be participating in the Spiritual Journey of young adults. The MIGDAL OZ experience will be part of who each student becomes as a mother, a father, a grandparent, an aunt, an uncle, a friend and a co-worker. MIGDAL OZ students will impact others for many years to come . . . and those people will impact others . . . and those others . . . and on it goes . . . quite possibly for many generations in ways that we can neither foresee nor imagine. The impact that the MIGDAL OZ students will have on the Kingdom is incalculable and truly in the Hands of God alone. We invite you to become part of this Kingdom-building adventure.
Please, we encourage you to first seek the Lord’s blessing over MIGDAL OZ through earnest prayer.
If then the Lord leads you to do so, we invite you to support the students of MIGDAL OZ by clicking the DONATE link below and designating MIGDAL OZ under the QUICK GIVE tab found in the gray column on the left side of the form.
If there are questions, please feel free to contact us at info@migdal-oz.org.

We ask for a covering of prayer over our students. Your prayers will be warmly received and greatly appreciated.
May God bless and keep you and your family always ! Thank you. <><